Testing & Services

Testing & Services


Energy Testing

  • We offer 3 different Energy Testing services that vary in technology and price. 


(Study of the Iris)

  • Iridology is the only science at this time that can see soft tissue weakness and toxicity. The iris of the eye can show us a wealth of information about one’s physical body, including tissue damage, tissue weakness and strengths. Iridology was discovered 200 years ago by a surgeon in Europe. Iridology is a roadmap of the physical body and allows one to determine the actual weakness and toxicity within it. With this tool we can confirm findings resulting from QFA testing to begin rebuilding and balancing the body. 

RHT Rhema Hope Therapy

(Emotional Therapy)

  • If you are not getting the full results of your protocol to heal your body and release symptoms, then you may possibly be stuck because of emotional trauma. To learn more about healing the emotions,

Weight Loss  Program

  • Our Weight Loss Program runs for 6-12 weeks and will help you increase metabolism, burn fat and stay fit! 

Metabolism Testing

(RMR Measurement)

  • This testing takes the guesswork out of the number of calories you personally burn each day. Not knowing how fast your metabolism burns is why dieting does not work. This is a portable, highly accurate devise that will measure your RMR. 

Muscle Testing

(Applied Kinesiology)

  • Also known as applied kinesiology, muscle response testing is a subjective form of biofeedback that can help us determine which organs or body systems are lacking in energy or stressed. It can also help us narrow down exactly which remedies are most likely to restore balance to the system

Thermography Screening 

(Breast Imaging)

  • Thermography is safe, non-invasive and painless. It is also effective in detecting breast cancer much sooner than other methods can. 

Health Treatments


Far & Near Infrared Sauna

  • Through research, the Far & Near infrared sauna have come to be recognized by health practitioners worldwide as one of the most effective methods in the elimination of both chemical and accumulated heavy metal toxins from the body. One 30-minute session in a Sauna burns as many calories as 60 minutes of swimming or jogging.

Bio Cleanse

(Foot Cleanse)

  • The Bio-Cleanse field Enhancer unit can rebalance energy fields. The purging of toxins and nucleric waste generated within the cells and surrounding membrane. The purge of abnormal deterioration within the body that has been caused by illness, injury or viral infection. This is currently the only method for creating a bio-charge that is safe and compatible with living matter.


(Rife Resonator)

  • Bio-active frequencies (electricity) work directly to unblock metabolic pathways by breaking up segmentations, so that stressor or interfering toxins that bond to molecules of oxidative catalysts can be excreted or eliminated from the body such as parasites or viruses. 

Lymp Stim Therapy

  • This therapy will move the lymphatic fluids and oxygenate the blood. This can be helpful for diabetes, stiff muscles, low back pain, poor circulation, fibromyalgia, arthritis, etc.

Bioplasm Health Analyzer


  • The Bioplasm Health Analyzer works through electromagnetic vibrations of very low frequencies, which can transmit information in the human brain, bypassing the usual senses. There are 10 million units of information programed in our brain but only 1 is recognized and the others are fixed in the subconscious. This method allows the evaluation of the state of the bio-energy of each organ. 

Call Today to Make Your Appointment or for Pricing Enquiries


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