Bio-Frequency Generator

Royal Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 – August 5, 1971) claimed to have used a special optical microscope to observe very small viruses. Bacillus X and Bacillus Y (at some point renamed BX and BY viruses) were experimentally isolated, and Rife causally linked them to two forms of malignancy (cancer): carcinoma, and sarcoma

Original Rife Generator

Current Model of the Rife Generator


Every atom in the Universe has a frequency. Whether it’s a grain of sand, a piece of steel, a plant, animal or an organ in your body, each cell resonates, or vibrates, at a specific frequency or oscillation. Your body consists of a variety of atoms, which contain photons, electrons & an overall bio-electric energy that runs through it. The way you take care of your body physically, emotionally and mentally determines how many negative frequencies or toxins are being built up in it. There are four general ways imbalance in the body is created. Through toxic substances we eat, pollution we breathe, exposure to a negative energetic environment, and how we process information in our thinking & feeling.


SR-4 RF Amplifier

The GB-4000 frequency generator is an extremely high-quality research instrument designed to be used as a stand-alone instrument or in conjunction with the SR-4 amplifier or the MOPA plasma tube driver system. They both performs admirably, giving good and reliable service.

We have these available for use at the Healthy Living Center.

If you are interested in the purchase of any of this equipment let us know so we can direct you!

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