This testing uses vibrational frequencies of the bodies autonomic nervous system activity expressed through the neuro pathways of the vocal cords. Messages are picked up in the body through a cellular network connecting the body and the brain. They are also picking up other energetic signatures that are hidden in the human voice giving more information about the individual.
This technique has been used for approximately thirty years. Similar to radio frequency, using the vibrational signature of atoms, we are at a place of time when the make up of your body can be identified by your voice. Every thing in the world revolves around frequency (i.e. atoms, ions) as proved through quantum physics.
Bio acoustics could reveal the content of energy from your voice by way of atom molecules and substances that make up your body and represent your health. Sound is waves of energy or vibrations. Some sounds we can hear, but some we can not, everything has its own vibratory rate and sound.
Human beings are walking symphonies of sound composed of many tones. Our bodies shape, movements, desire, motivation and wellness are determined by this inner sound frequency. Each cell generates its own frequency and the combination of similar cells makes its own frequency.
Quantum physics tells us that the way something vibrates tells us what it is. Example: the frequency of water is 18.02 hertz, which means that the water molecules vibrate at 18.02 times per a second. By knowing the resonant frequency of things we can change its structure. All living things expel energy over time. We can detect this by our symptoms or minor discomforts.
We can use this information to make changes both physically and emotionally. If we ignore these signs we will continue to move further out of balance and find ourselves with greater symptoms and even disease. These effects are physical, emotional and mental being on a sub cellular level.
Bio Acoustics (voice spectral analysis) can show us where our bodies are most out of balance, representing our muscles, hormones, toxins, vitamins, minerals, pathogens, biochemical, vertebrae, spinal alignment, present risks, body systems, meridians, etc. Bio Acoustics has the ability to show us root causes, personalizing the evaluation to each individual.
Although two people have the same disease, the root cause may be different. The Meriam/Webster dictionary defines bio acoustics as a branch of science concerned with the productions of sound by and its effects on living systems. What to expect in a session: A Practitioner will ask you to speak 45 seconds into the microphone of the Bio Acoustic software.
The voice print is then analyzed to determine what things were out of balance in your body. The next step is to discuss these findings to find a personalized solution either through frequency, changing your diet, supplementing, etc.
At the end of each session we use your own personal energy through kinesiology to confirm which supplement is best for you.